
Category: Design Thinking

  • How to Run ‘How Might We’ Workshops: A Quick Guide

    How to Run ‘How Might We’ Workshops: A Quick Guide

    ‘How Might We’ (HMW) workshops are a cornerstone of design thinking and an essential tool in the modern UX designer’s toolkit. These workshops are designed to open up the floor to innovative thinking and collaborative problem-solving. This guide aims to provide you with a concise and actionable roadmap to running successful ‘How Might We’ workshops,…

  • How To Apply The Double Diamond To Any UX Project

    How To Apply The Double Diamond To Any UX Project

    As fresh-faced UX designers graduate from their bootcamps and step into the professional world, they often face a reality check. The industry operates differently from what they’ve learned in the classroom, and applying a one-size-fits-all process to real-world projects with unique challenges and limitations can be overwhelming. To navigate this complex landscape, it’s essential to…

  • How to Start a UX Design Project (Quick Beginner Guide)

    How to Start a UX Design Project (Quick Beginner Guide)

    UX projects come in all shapes and sizes… And while each project requires a tailored approach, they all have these things in common: This article will take you through the process of starting a UX design project, from defining your goals to implementing the final design. 1. Get Clear on What the Business Wants To…

  • UX Research 101: Learn the Basics of UX Research

    UX Research 101: Learn the Basics of UX Research

    You have no way of knowing what will resonate with your audience if you don’t conduct user research. Proper user research can decrease the risk of wasting time, money, and resources. It’s also the surest way to design products and services that people love. In this article, we’ll give an overview of UX Research basics…

  • Empathy Mapping In UX Design: The Quick Start Guide

    Empathy Mapping In UX Design: The Quick Start Guide

    An empathy map is a quick and inexpensive way to capture valuable user insights into an easy-to-digest visual. They’re a great first step before Personas, and a good foundation for Journey Maps. In this article, we’ll share some tips and best practices for creating effective empathy maps. What is Empathy Mapping? Empathy mapping is a…

  • Do UX Designers Need To Code? No, Here’s A Better Idea

    Do UX Designers Need To Code? No, Here’s A Better Idea

    Knowing how to code isn’t essential for a UX Designer. But working effectively with developers does require knowledge of how things are built. In this article, we’ll share some terminology and programming ideas to help you work more efficiently with developers and make better design decisions. Understanding Coding Can Help You to Communicate With Developers…

  • 15 Types Of User Interface: A Quick Overview

    15 Types Of User Interface: A Quick Overview

    We all have a yearning for our environments to be more natural. But since the rise of the world wide web, our lives have been increasingly spent staring at screens. How can we continue our technological revolution, but do so in a way that supports our mental health and well-being? That’s the exact question that’s…

  • 25 Ideas on How To Use Personas In Product Development

    25 Ideas on How To Use Personas In Product Development

    Have you ever felt sorry for those dated personas collecting dust in an awkwardly named folder deep within the basement of your team server? A monumental amount of work goes into creating user personas. And when used correctly, they can create a monumental amount of value. In this article, we look at 25 ways to…

  • 8 Product Design Principles For Better Work And Collaboration

    8 Product Design Principles For Better Work And Collaboration

    Solid product design principles help us navigate the messy world of discovery and make good decisions in the face of uncertainty. Some principles act as decision-making criteria, others help us work better together, and some help us to evaluate designs and craft better solutions. This article will share 14 invaluable principles for better work and…

  • UX Personas Pros and Cons: Pointless or Powerful?

    UX Personas Pros and Cons: Pointless or Powerful?

    UX personas have become an important part of the user experience design process. They provide a way to understand users’ needs and motivations, which can help designers create products and services that better meet their needs. But while user personas have many advantages, there are also some drawbacks to consider. In this article, we’ll explore…

  • Is UX Design a Stressful Job? And How to Avoid Burnout

    Is UX Design a Stressful Job? And How to Avoid Burnout

    UX Design sounds like a dream job, combining creative skills with analytical problem-solving. Still, if you’re in the field (or thinking about joining it), it’s important to be aware that this industry has its ups and downs—just like other jobs, there are stressful times. In this article, we’ll chat about why UX designers sometimes feel…

  • The 41 Best Design Testing Methods: For UX Designers

    The 41 Best Design Testing Methods: For UX Designers

    Want to make sure your website or app design is effective and usable? This article compiles 45 design testing methods to help you do just that. Usability testing, A/B testing, first click testing – each one has its own benefits that can help you gather valuable feedback about how well your design works for your…