
How To Make Faster Decisions In UX Design

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I’m a chronic over thinker, so I’ve thought about decision making a lot since it’s something that used to hold me back…

Here’s what I’ve learned…

Often it’s better to make imperfect decisions quickly, rather than stall the decision all together.

This is because making a decision allows you to move forward and gather more data.

You can then use this data to make better decisions.


The time you spend making a decision should correlate to the importance of the decision.

If the decision can’t be undone, or it will require a big investment of time and energy.

Then it will require more consideration.

If the decision is easy to reverse, then making a snap decision quickly is often a better approach.

Fast decision making often makes us more productive.

Jack O’Donoghue (2 x Bestselling UX Course Creator)
UX Strategy Blueprint
Design Thinking Made Simple

The ability to make swift, informed decisions is a powerful skill.

It allows you to move forward fast and gather valuable data along the way. 

However, the pressure to make the right choices quickly can be overwhelming. 

So, how do you strike the perfect balance between haste and deliberation? 

Here are 7 tips to speed up decision-making in your UX projects.

1. Understand the Decision Spectrum

Decisions exist on a spectrum. Know which ones live where.

Before diving into rapid decision-making, it’s crucial to understand that decisions in UX design lie on a spectrum. 

Some are low-impact, such as choosing a color for a secondary button, while others are high-impact, like changing the user flow. Recognize which decisions can be made quickly based on their potential impact on the project.

2. Clear Goals Make Decisions Easier

Clear goals mean quicker, more confident decisions.

Having well-defined objectives for your UX project simplifies decision-making. 

When your goals are clear, it becomes easier to evaluate whether a decision aligns with these objectives. This clarity allows for quicker, more confident choices that propel the project forward.

3. Sometimes Good Enough, is Good Enough

Sometimes progress, even if it involves course correction later, is preferable to stagnation due to indecision.

Perfectionism can be the arch-nemesis of swift decision-making. 

The ‘good enough’ principle emphasizes progress over perfection. It’s about finding the most viable solution that meets the project’s current needs and iterating on it over time. This approach is particularly useful in agile environments where adaptability is key.

4. Set a Decision Timer

Limit the time allocated for making a decision. 

Time constraints help us focus and create urgency.

This might sound counterintuitive, but time constraints can actually enhance focus and efficiency. For instance, give yourself or your team 30 minutes to decide on a user interface element. This method instills a sense of urgency and prevents overthinking.

5. Categorize Decisions: Urgent vs. Important

Not all decisions are created equal. Start by categorizing them into ‘urgent’ and ‘important’. 

Urgent decisions typically involve immediate issues that may halt progress, like choosing a prototyping tool for a looming deadline. Important decisions, such as selecting a design framework, have long-term implications and warrant more thought. This distinction helps in prioritizing and applying the appropriate pace to each decision.

6. Leverage Collaborative Decision-Making

Involving your team in the decision-making process can expedite it. 

Utilize the diverse perspectives and expertise of your team members to reach decisions faster. Techniques like brainstorming or rapid prototyping sessions can be particularly effective in collaborative environments.

7. Build a Decision-Making Framework

Develop a personal or team-based framework for decision-making. 

This could involve a checklist of criteria that must be met, or a flowchart that guides the decision process based on the type of decision. Having a standardized approach can significantly reduce the time and mental load involved in making decisions.

Wrapping Up

Fast decision-making in UX projects doesn’t mean rash or uninformed choices. 

It’s about being smart and strategic with the process. By categorizing decisions, relying on data, embracing good-enough solutions, fostering collaboration, setting time limits, using a decision framework, and learning from the past, you can make swift decisions that propel your projects forward without sacrificing quality or direction. 

Remember, sometimes progress, even if it involves course correction later, is preferable to stagnation due to indecision.

You Asked, We Answered

Q: How do design principles influence design decisions? 
A: Design principles provide a framework and guidelines for making informed design decisions, ensuring consistency, usability, and aesthetic appeal in the final product.

Q: How do UX researchers support informed decision making? 
A: UX researchers support informed decision making by providing data and insights about user behavior and preferences, ensuring design choices are grounded in actual user needs.

Q: What are some best practices in UX design? 
A: Best practices in UX design include user-centered design, continuous user testing, applying design principles, and iterating based on user feedback.

Q: How important is user research in design decisions? 
A: User research is crucial in design decisions as it provides insights into user needs, behaviors, and preferences, guiding designers towards solutions that genuinely resonate with users.

Q: What role does a UX designer play in product decision making? 
A: A UX designer plays a pivotal role in decision making by bridging user needs with business goals, ensuring that design solutions are both user-friendly and strategically aligned.

Q: Can quick decision making be beneficial in UX design? 
A: Yes, quick decision making in UX design can drive progress and allow for faster iterations, provided these decisions are informed and data-driven.

Q: How does UX design decision making impact user experience? 
A: UX design decisions directly shape the user experience by influencing usability, accessibility, and overall satisfaction. Effective decision-making ensures products meet user needs and expectations.

Q: Why is understanding user needs critical in product design? 
A: Understanding user needs is critical in product design as it ensures the product solves real problems and enhances the user’s life, leading to higher satisfaction and adoption.

Q: What’s the importance of usability testing in UX design? 
A: Usability testing in UX design is essential for validating design decisions, identifying usability issues, and ensuring the product is intuitive and user-friendly.

Q: How does a product designer contribute to decision making? 
A: A product designer contributes to decision making by balancing user needs, technical feasibility, and business objectives to create functional and appealing products.

Q: What is the significance of user personas in UX design? 
A: User personas help in decision making by representing the target user, guiding designers to create solutions tailored to real user profiles and needs.

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